Intent: To better maintain the cemetery property, keeping it safe and enjoyable for all visitors.

Grave sites

Any work, including but not limited to: grading, landscaping, improvements or alterations of individual grave sites in the cemetery shall be done by authorized maintenance personnel, under the direction of the Board of Trustees.  No person shall alter the surface of any grave site which causes it to be raised, lowered, or altered from the existing height of the surrounding area. 


All graves are limited to two (2) items of floral decoration and one (1) monument saddle floral design piece.  These are limited to plants only, either live potted, artificial or cut flower arrangements and must be placed in vases or urns attached to the monument or on the saddle arrangement on top of the monument. 

Floral containers must be either plastic or clay.  Glass containers are not allowed.

Flowers on the grave site after a funeral service will be removed after seven (7) days or sooner if appearance requires removal.  Wire easels are permitted for floral decoration during a funeral service or for holiday arrangements.  They will be removed after ten (10) days following the service or holiday without notice.

If no monument is present, flowers can be placed at the head of the grave until the required monument is installed. 

Saddle floral arrangements

Saddles may be used on top of monuments year around.  Only one saddle is permitted on any one monument.  Saddles are not to be anchored to the ground in any manner and may not be mounted on foot markers.  Saddles will be removed after they have deteriorated, faded or become unsightly.

Seasonal Holiday Decorations

Potted Plants, flowers, and baskets are allowed on any holiday or on a day that signifies a special occasion, for example an anniversary or a birthday.

Wreaths or sprays of evergreens will be allowed during the Christmas season.  No live, cut or artificial Christmas trees are allowed.

Small flags may be placed on grave sites only on Memorial Day, 4th of July, and Veteran’s Day.

All seasonal holiday decorations will be removed 10 days after a holiday or special occasion without notice and may be subject to removal if they become unsightly before 10 days have expired.

Placing personal articles, toys, metal or wood designs, ornaments, furniture, or any other article of any kind on the grave site is prohibited.  Windchimes require explicit approval from the Board of Trustees.

Unsightly objects, erected or placed upon grave sites which are out of harmony with the general landscape design, will not be permitted.  Whenever objects of such nature are placed on grave sites, the Board of Trustees reserves the right to remove them without notice.  Decorative items which are deemed by the Board of Trustees to be hazardous will be removed without notice.

The cemetery Board of Trustees shall not be liable for any lost, misplaced, broken flower bases or plantings damaged by the elements, thieves, vandals, or any other cause.  Nor shall the Board of Trustees be liable for any item placed on a grave site which is not in accordance with these guidelines.


When approved by the Board of Trustees, only curbing of concrete with approved reinforcing material shall be used to outline the cemetery grave sites; being four (4) inches in width, extending to a depth of six (6) inches below grade and no more than 2 inches above the existing grade.


No enclosures of any kind of material are allowed on the grave site; including fences, ditches, stones, pavers, bricks, boxes, wood, urns or granite enclosures.


No grave site shall be covered in part or in whole by sand, gravel, rock, broken stone, cinders, concrete or other substance which may prevent the free growth of grass, without the explicit approval from the Board of Trustees.


Plants may not be placed in the ground and no digging is allowed.  If any tree or shrub becomes detrimental to cemetery maintenance, becomes unsightly, impedes access to adjacent grave sites, walks or roads; it will be pruned or removed without notice.  All trees, shrubs, and herbage of any kind shall be planted, trimmed, cut or removed by authorized maintenance personnel, under direction of the Board of Trustees.

Small benches are not allowed that create difficulty in mowing grave sites.  The bench must be placed on a cement pad that extends 6 inches in all directions beyond the edge of the bench and in a location to be approved by the cemetery Board of Trustees.

Prohibited items

No statues or crosses, other than statuary or crosses carved into the design and construction of a monument will be allowed, without the explicit approval from the Board of Trustees.

Novelty and decorative items such as toys, balloons, wind vanes, knick-knacks, crockery, glassware, beverage containers or yard art designs are not allowed on the grave sites.

Lights are not allowed, including but not limited to open flame candles, torches, vigil lights, eternal lights, solar lights, strings of lights and any type of light that is operated with a battery or battery pack. 

Attaching or hanging of any objects on cemetery trees is not allowed, without the explicit approval from the Board of Trustees.

Wire is not permitted on any grave site.