Armstrong, Gaston Polonius

Born: February 10, 1881 – Died: September 11, 1936 (aged 55yrs)248

Location: Section F, Row 12, Lot 248

Gaston Armstrong was married to Viola Russell and together they had 2 daughters, Girlie Lovenia and Billie. Gaston married and remained in or around Somervell County all of his life. His parents were living with him and his family when his father died. Gaston went to the barn and tore away several boards to “lay out Pap” until his burial. At one time Gaston owned a large ranch. One particularly cold winter all of his cattle died due to extreme cold and he lost the ranch. This took away his sole source of income and there was no job to be found. In desperation, he decided that the only way that he could feed his family was to make and sell “moonshine whisky”. He told his wife what he was going to do and despite her objections, he felt he had no choice. Although his father was now ead, his mother still lived with them and he did not want her to know what he was doing. He managed to keep her from finding out about his activities and stopped making shiskey as soon as he was able to find another source of income.