Memorials and donations are greatly appreciated as the George’s Creek Cemetery Association relies on member donations to support the maintenance and upkeep of the cemetery property. Memorials and other donations may be made to:

  • Georges’ Creek Cemetery Association
  • P.O Box 598
  • Glen Rose, Texas 76043

Member Donations 2024

2024 Memorial Donations

In memory of the Cavasos Family, from

  • Mrs. R.D. Preuninger

In memory of the Churchhill Family, from

  • Al and Mallisa Rivette

In memory of Rod Coonrod, from

  • Nelda Coonrod

In memory of Ann LaFon Gay, from

  • Kendra Myers

In memory of the Masters Family, from

  • Georgeann Allen
  • Dan and Millie McKelvy
  • Hugh Ward

In memory of the McPherson family, from

  • Wendell and Sammye McPherson

In memory of Louise and Mickey McWhirter, from

  • Jill Sims

In memory of Louise McWhirter, from

  • Pam Hamer

In memory of the McWhirter family, from

  • Valerie Shoemaker

In memory of Lowell Orr, from

  • Betty Orr
  • John and Pam Stanford

In memory of the Orr Family, from

  • Vicki Smith
  • John and Pam Stanford

In Memory of Carolyn Pinson, from

  • David Thomas Pinson

In memory of the Riddle family, from

  • Wendell and Sammye McPherson

2024 General Donations

The George’s Creek Cemetery Association is grateful to the following for general donations.

Johnny E. and Dorcus Cheek
Rex and Vae Hudgins
James and Maridan McLendon
Earl and Carolyn Myers

2023 Memorial Donations

In Memory of the Armstrong Family, from

  • Donna Basinger

In Memory of the Donald Odell Cheek, from

  • Mr. and Mrs. Darek Cheek

In Memory of the Debra Estep, from

  • Wendell and Sammye McPherson

In Memory of the Filkins Family, from

  • Michael and June Lambert

In Memory of the Harold Hardage, from

  • Vicki Smith

In Memory of the Highbarger Family, from

  • Michael and June Lambert

In Memory of Ann LaFon Gay, from

  • The LaFon Family

In Memory of the Locker Family, from

  • Michael and June Lambert

In Memory of the Love Family, from

  • John & Carole Marquis

In Memory of Marquis Family, from

  • John & Carole Marquis

In Memory of Adreal Masters, from

  • Millie McKelvy

In Memory of Masters Family, from

  • Georgeann Allen

In Memory of Marquis Mimms, from

  • Nina Swink

In Memory of the McPherson Family, from

  • Donna Basinger
  • Tony McPherson

In Memory of Una McPherson, from

  • Nelda Coonrod

In Memory of the Gary and Linda Mullen, from

  • Marsha Benton

In Memory of the Mullen Family, from

  • John and Pam Stanford

In Memory of Bill Orr, from

  • Sandy Hardage Koontz

In Memory of Lowell S Orr, from

  • Sandy Hardage Koontz
  • Betty Orr

In Memory of Ray O Orr, from

  • Sandy Hardage Koontz

In Memory of the Orr Family, from

  • John and Pam Stanford
In Memory of Maleen Paulsen, from

  • Chris and Sara Paulsen

In Memory of Terri Pannill, from

  • Gary Pannill

In Memory of Carolyn Pinson, from

  • David Thomas Pinson

In Memory of the Riddle Family, from

  • Donna Basinger

In Memory of the W.T. Riddle, from

  • Wendell and Sammye McPherson

In Memory of H.B. Riza, from

  • Joy and Bradford Riza

In Memory of Russi Family, from

  • Michael and June Lambert

In Memory of Whitt family, from

  • Georgeann Allen

In Memory of Woodard family, from

  • Sharon Clark

In Memory of Adrel Young, from

  • Hugh Ward

In Memory of Earl Whitehead from

  • Becky Whitehead-Schisler
  • Kristy Schisler

2023 General Donations

The George’s Creek Cemetery Association is grateful to the following for general donations.

  • Carl & Bobbette Manes
  • Mary Marquis
  • Suzann Meyer
  • Ann Nichols
  • Doris Riddle
  • Rusty & Ellen Russell
  • Kurt & Valerie Shoemaker


In Memory of the Armstrong Family, from

  • Vicky Smith
  • John and Pam Stanford

In Memory of the Barnard Family, from

  • Gene Vanderford

In Memory of the Bassinger Family, from

  • Donna Bassinger

In Memory of Ed and John Churchill, from

  • Nelda Coonrod

In Memory of the Estep Family, from

  • Wendell and Sammye McPherson

In Memory of Ann LaFon Gay, from

  • Kendra Myers

In Memory of Tim Gray, from

  • Maureen Gray

In Memory of the LaFon Family, from

  • Kendra Myers

In Memory of the Masters Family, from

  • Georgeann Allen

In Memory of the Myers Family, from

  • Earl and Carolyn Myers

In Memory of Maleen Paulsen, from

  • Chris and Sara Paulsen

In Memory of the McPherson Family, from

  • Wendell and Sammye McPherson

In Memory of Frances L. McPherson, from

  • Tony McPherson

In Memory of Bill Orr, from

  • Joe Ray

In Memory of Lowell S Orr, from

  • Betty Orr
  • Joe Ray
  • John and Pam Stanford

In Memory of Ray O Orr, from

  • Lois Orr
  • Joy Ray

In Memory of Carolyn Pinson, from

  • David Thomas Pinson

In Memory of Kathy Jean Pruitt, from

  • Kristi Bize
  • Megan Bize

In Memory of Kari Quinlan, from

  • Tom Quinlan

In Memory of the Riddle Family, from

  • Wendell and Sammye McPherson

In Memory of H.B. Riza, from

  • Joy and Bradford Riza

In Memory of Charles and Mary Russell, from

  • Chris and Sara Paulsen
  • Dale & Karen Russell

In Memory of the Russell Family, from

  • Dale Russell

In Memory of Dorothy (Dottie) Russell, from

  • Rusty and Ellen Russell

In Memory of Francis Russell, from

  • Rusty and Ellen Russell

In Memory of Jack Russell, from

  • Rusty and Ellen Russell

In Memory of Lillian Russell, from

  • Rusty and Ellen Russell

In Memory of Willie Russell, from

  • Ceta Moore

In Memory of the Wilson-Barker Family, from

  • Mary Evelyn Barker Vaughn

In Memory of the White Family, from

  • Wendell and Sammye McPherson

In Memory of Earl Whitehead, from

  • Jane Dinsmore
  • Judy Hauk
  • Kathy Johnson
  • Betty Orr
  • F.H. Rosser
  • John and Pam Stanford
  • Sherry Tomerlin

In Memory of Adrel Young, from

  • Georgeann Allen

2022 Georges Creek Cemetery Historical Marker Fund

George’s Creek Cemetery has received official designation, been certified and recorded as a Historic Texas Cemetery.  The application has been submitted for authorization to purchase a historical marker, if granted, the ceremony for installation will be at the 2023 Annual Meeting – May 6, 2023. Donations to support the purchase of the historical marker are greatly appreciated.

  • The Kelly Family
  • John and Pam Stanford

2022 General Donations

The George’s Creek Cemetery Association is grateful to the following for general donations.

  • Johnny E and Dorcas Cheek
  • W.R. Cheek
  • Barbara Lee Cogdill
  • Ann LaFon Gay
  • Pamela Hamer
  • Paul Hamer
  • David B. Hartwell
  • Marcus and Vae Hudgins
  • Georgeann Lallen
  • Joe Ray
  • Doris Riddle
  • Julie Sims
  • John and Pam Stanford
  • Kim White


In Memory of Bill and James Barker, from

  • Cind Mash

In Memory of Virginia Cavasos, from

  • John & Pam Stanford

In Memory of John Edwin Churchill, from

  • Nelda Coonrod

In Memory of James Farris, from

  • Lou Farris

In Memory of James Matthews, from

  • Mary Ann Matthews

In Memory of Jason Matthews, from

  • Mary Ann Matthews

In Memory of the McPherson Family, from

  • Wendell & Sammye McPherson

In Memory of Bill G. Orr, from

  • Sandy Hardage

In Memory of Lowell Sammy Orr, from

  • Sandy Hardage
  • Betty Orr
  • John & Pam Stanford

In Memory of Ray O. Orr, from

  • Sandy Hardage
  • Lois Ann Orr

In Memory of Maleen Paulsen, from

  • Sara Paulsen

In Memory of Pinky Phipps, from

  • Malisa Phipps Baker

In Memory of H.B., Virginia, Joy & Brad Riza, from

  • Brad & Joy Riza

In Memory of Francis and Lillian Russell, from

  • Rusty & Ellen Russell

In Memory of Jack and Dottie Russell, from

  • Rusty & Ellen Russell

In Memory of James Monroe Russell, from

  • Rusty & Ellen Russell

In Memory of Willie Lee Russell from

  • Ceta Moore

In Memory of Veteran’s Memorial Flag

  • John Estep
  • Brad & Joy Riza
  • John and Pam Stanford

In Memory of Travis Waggoner, from

  • Wanda Waggoner

2021 General Donations

The George’s Creek Cemetery Association is grateful to the following for general donations.

  • Benny and Kathy Brown
  • Jean Buckley
  • W.R. Cheek
  • David Hartwell
  • Rex & Vae Hudgins
  • Larry Kelly
  • Ethan Love
  • Myers Family Reunion
  • Dorris Riddle
  • Sarah Riddle
  • Bob and Melba White
  • Earl Whitehead


In Memory of Hewlitt/Flynn, from

  • Barbara Cox

In Memory of James Matthews from

  • Glenna and George Abraham
  • Jack Carter
  • Cleburne Red Hats Club – Marcea Haubert
  • Roy Carroll Diary
  • Tommy and Karen Daniel
  • Rosemary Fuller
  • Godly Lions Club
  • CK and Sharon Henslee
  • Travis and Wanda Waggoner
  • Tommy J. and Barbara Wallis

In Memory of Lowell Sammy Orr, from

  • Betty Orr

In Memory of Ray Orr, from

  • Lois Orr
  • Virginia Nowicki

In Memory of Jimmy Riddle, from

  • Carol Betts
  • Mary Lout Chenault
  • Kenneth Fry
  • Robert O. Kelly
  • Sarah Riddle

In Memory of the Riza Family – H.B., Virginia, Joy and Brad from

  • Brad and Ophellia Riza

In Memory of Catherine Whitehead, from

  • Betty Orr
  • Vickie Smith
  • John and Pam Stanford

In Memory of Whitworth, Arnold and Opal, from

  • Valla Sandlin
  • Debra Thompson

2020 General Donations

The George’s Creek Cemetery Association is grateful to the following for general donations.

  • Barbara Lee Cogdill
  • John Estep
  • Marcue (Rox) Hudgins
  • Wendell & Sammye McPearson,
  • Mallisa Ricotte
  • Doris Riddle
  • Linda Streun
  • Whitehead, Earl & Tomeclin, Sherry


In memory of Edwin Churchill from

  • Nelda Coonrod

In memory of the LaFon family from

  • Vanetta Gay

In memory of Mullen and Orr families from

  • Betty Orr

In memory of her brothers, Lowell Sammy Orr, Bill Gaston Orr and Ray O’Daniel Orr from

  • Sandy Hardage

In memory of J.M. Russell and Dottie Russell and Francis Russell and Lillian Russell from

  • Rusty and Ellen Russell

In Memory of James Russell and Mary Janet Brock from

  • Willie Mae Russell

In memory of Sallie Mae (Cheek) Stewart from

  • Martin Steward

In memory of Travis Waggoner from

  • Patsy and Lynn Whittington/DeCordova Estates
  • Karen and Tommy Daniel

2019 General Donations

The George’s Creek Cemetery Association is grateful to the following for general donations.

  • Marsha and Billie Benton
  • Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cavasos
  • John Estep
  • Larry Kelly
  • Lois Ann Orr
  • David Hartwell
  • Marcus and Vae Rena Hudgins
  • Sammye and Wendell McPherson
  • Angela and Steve Noland
  • Doris Riddle
  • Brad and Joy Riza
  • Vicki Smith
  • Bob and Melba White


In memory of the Barker family from

  • John Barker

In memory of Elizabeth Barnard from

  • Gene Vanderford

In memory of Linda Brewer from

  • Don Brewer

In memory of William and Laura Cheek from

  • Margaret Cheek Durham

In memory of Jerry Cogdill from

  • Barbara Lee Cogdill

In memory of the Debra Estep from

  • Sammye and Wendell McPherson
  • Doris Riddle

In memory of Patsy M. Hewlett, Alfred Harrison Hewlett  and Annette Jan Hewlett from

  • Lisa Lentz

In memory of Charles Lowe from

  • Danny Cavasos
  • John and Pam Stanford
  • Tim and Bebe Waller
  • Glen Rose Nursing and Rehabilitation

In memory of Jason Matthews and Amy Griffin from

  • Travis and Wanda Waggoner

In memory of Lafon family from

  • Vanetta Gay
  • Myers

In memory of the Jason Matthews from

  • Tommy and Karen Daniel
  • Mike and Cindy Lutrick
  • James and MaryAnn Matthews

In memory of the Mullen and Orr families from

  • Betty Orr

In memory of Lowell Orr from

  • Sandy Hardage Koontz
  • John and Pam Stanford

In memory of W.T. Riddle from

  • Debra Estep
  • Sammye and Wendell McPherson
  • Doris Riddle

In memory of the Riddle family from

  • Jim and Sara Riddle

In memory of the H.B. and Virginia Riza from

  • Brad Riza

In memory of Gary Robinson from

  • Phyllis Elliot Robinson

In memory of J.M. & Dottie Russell from

  • Frances and William Russell
  • Rusty and Ellen Russell

In memory of the Locker and Russi families from

  • Michael and June Lambert

In memory of the Kelly and Turner families from

  • Larry Kelly

In memory of Buck and Kate Turner from

  • Charles Carpenter

In memory of Wilson Barker and Amy Vaughn from

  • Mary Evelyn Barker

In memory of Roxie Weeden from

  • Ray Carrell

In memory of Jimmy Woodard from

  • Nelda Coonrod

2018 General Donations

The George’s Creek Cemetery Association is grateful to the following for general donations

  • Mrs. Ray Cavasos
  • David Hartwell
  • Lou Farris
  • Patsy Hewlett
  • Marcus and Vae Rena Hudgins
  • Lois Orr
  • Brian and Kim White
  • Bob and Melba White